chrysi Ntopé
9 months ago

Alright, last post before this gets removed.

Sadly, I can't afford (not money-wise) to be an Undertale fan creator anymore.

If you want any of my project, flip away.



Next up


But why would this GameJolyAsks want to know what game I'd like to have a sequal?

To be honest, GTA V. GTA VI isn't a sequal, it's completely different. So, are you great because you are GTA V, or are you GTA V because you are great?

HERE ARE THE [[art for you]]!!!!!

JEVIL, [[Mik3]] AND SPAMTON!!!!!!!!!

NEW THUMBNAIL TOOK ME AN HOUR! Hope you like it! oh, and new style :)

Made Gojo powers in MC with Commands

This is Hollow Purple! (nerfed to 50 instead of 100)

A fly annoys Megumi.



My favourite Fighting Game Character?

DIO The World from All Star Battle R.

Chrysi Ntopé's Official Trailer!

This masterpiece is almost a year old man..

Here are the without color and scratch of the now Official banner of Chrysi Ntopé! (Added white BG)

Guess what's going to come back?