"Oh god, why does everything have to be going to crap today" Jeb thought as he looked around his surroundings. He seemed to be in some sort of circular cell room. There were no windows and the only light came from a hole in the celling.
Attached to Jeb's foot was a chain with a soild metel ball on the other end.
"Just think Jeb, how did you end up here? Last thing I remember was researching a new Au when I got attacked and blacked out..."
Suddenly, a door on the other side of the room opened and a purple figure entered the room. "Wait, is that a Cirby?" Jeb thought. The figure then looked up at Jeb and Jeb gasped. The figure had the appearance of a Cirby but had no pupils in his eyes. His mouth had been stitched into a crude smile. His top hat was a faded red and blue with dark red stains on it that matched the ones on his face. In his hands was a tray with a moldy apple and a bowl of soup with brown lumps in it. The figure set the tray down in front of Jeb and proceed to walk out of the cell. "Wait!" Jeb yelled. "What do you want from me?" The figure did not respond and exited the cell, closing the door behind him leaving a crying Jeb all alone.
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