Switched name because "Revamp" was way too close to "renewed" both being ulbr and people were getting mixed with the two so now thanks to @azzy2935 we now have the new title!
Next up
game leak of the year award!
Here's a huge leak, won't be sending much after but soon enough you guys will get something. It just takes time and patience.
hey shitheads (sorry im tired rn and feel sick), got mentioned as a special spriter of the month thing for undertale yellow remastered! ya'll should def check it out! @QuinUT and his team have been hard at work so yeah!
Found out how to make sans on adobe after effects, so here's a goofy anim test and export test. I'll def do more tomorrow most likely
remade an old sprite, im not rlly sure what this is lol, but im referring to it as some random dusttrust related sprite
Brain nourishment helps me sprite and work on this game, totally isn't distracting
little sneak peak on progress with SMB: Back To The Classics
Decided to practice drawing on paper yet again, and I'm actually happy that it came out well. This is a character from a show I like, his name's el kabong (you'll def see a lot more art of him and other characters)
i was cooking until the tired hit me, and then i started giving up halfway. ill most likely come back to fix this in a few
hope you guys enjoty the newb contgentmrntlrkn.gsmr;lgs;lfdhgkjnfdl;hjm;fdlhmjflhnmdfhnf.d/nhlkjnl;'jah;hkjmlmdhfh ahmf haf;lkahf;mkl