3 days ago

also in the comments of missemus v1 i saw this comment and i think its funny



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quiz time! what image did i use the liquify tool on in photoshop to make this red orifice thing?? answer in comments

ask and you shall recieve

i always feel some indescribable emotion when lancey posts shit like this

im having a lot of fun with photoshop liquify tool

i have nothing relevant to share im just here. check out these cool inside out images i have saved wow

also have you guys seen the state of replies to the norm twitter account its fucking insane

i've been on twitter long enough to notice you can just say shit about people and everyone will believe you without even considering whether you are wrong at all. i would know because i was in the "everyone" demographic once lmao

i need more fanart on my pinned what do yall think of modeling one of these guys