The Bite!
10 months ago

Also, yes, The Bite will be translated to JAPANESE! And yes, i do sprite my font (i might regret this)

また、はい、The Bite は日本語に翻訳されます。そしてはい、私はフォントをスプライトします (これを後悔するかもしれません)

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Next up My game The Bite now has a server! join it and share your own art, or chat!

Want to bring a little shout out to a game im working on with my friend at @Lackluster_Games (Shared Account) Its called has!

We now have a discord! join and chat, or share your own art!

HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT! I am going to start streaming on YouTube dev streams..

Final Update on Live streams.. (Last time i post about it)

Hello! Take a look at my five nights at freddys fangame! there is a discord server you can find in comment of the games page, trailer soon i can assure you.. a pizza slice will be thrown at the wall #arcade

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A trailer is in the works..