Am I the only one who realized this franchise is kind of dark? gron tortured a kid with a fucking HOOK, the super cancer thing (which doesn't even matter to the story) and the lockjaw hugging 6 kids at once (I don't know how) and killing them
Next up
Old mac
Tyler explaning how robots made in the 1960s can move:
These billy bob's are strange.
Lockjaw voice reveal
I think this is kind of cute tbh.
When your phone doesn't recognize your face so you gotta lock in
I just realized that this "character" exists. he appeared on the lucky cat and the misfits thumbnail, and maybe he is the plush from the image, looks like eddie picked him up idk.
Your mom (animatronic version)
Announcing a Q&A, leave any question you have about the project or me and I'll try to answer it
And apart from that here's some new advances on the Blake model and also I've achieved the power of gravity and I now know how to make jiggly stuff 🙇
Fnaf meme maker on their way to post the same meme for the 13424246 time: