8 months ago

- An Open Letter to BBB -

Another Fucking Controversy and My "Hot Takes"


(Before I say anything, let me give you guys some context, so basically @birthday-boy-blam_gamejolt_XD bullied the shit out of @Maxie_the_tiger, @oc_thecoin , and @meanwoood because they blocked him, so I'm making a post to both stand up to him and to spread awareness to all of you guys).

- An Open Letter To BBB, My Hot Takes -

I find it to be pathetic as hell to whine about people blocking you unless you have VERY good reasoning as to why and your dumbass has not a fucking braincell in your hollow goddamn head. I wouldn't be as fucking boiled as I am if it weren't for the victims being my friends, especially OC and if you mess with them, then you mess with me, and I don't take shit from anybody, especially from a po*nograpic art tracer. "You seriously can't think any of this is ok man, you seriously can't be that stupid, right ?", my ass. I might as well be a goddamn broken CD player if I were to keep saying that to every damn controversy I have to reply about, but you don't deserve any more of my attention besides this post, and that's all you'll get from me you worthless bastard.



Next up

Phantom Osama (Legacy Ver. [Left] made by @osama345 himself / Official Redesign [Right] made by Me) - One Week at Dape's

Dapes Party Pizzeria's newest nightguard, Violet ! ! !

One Week at Dapes | Coming Soon

Some """""""""""jumpscares""""""""""" I made a couple of days ago.

I found this when I was looking back as some of the old users that started the first controversies in the community. Apparently this guy supported Major Cloog, and if you know, you know, but this really aged as well as spoiled milk, lol . . .


Well, thanks for nothing Ivan . . .


Prototype Dape with & without mask - One Week at Dape's

FNIA seivoM noedolekcinN (Owned by @FNIAnoedolekciNs )

Even though Null was one of the easiest antagonists to create for OWaD, I decided to make an official new incarnation of him called, Void.

(He actually looks good now)