School Haunt
6 years ago

An Update

Holy shit. Holy, fucking, shit. Almost. Two. Years. Oh, well. Anyway.

Well, anyway. This post is kinda… really, I forgot what I was going to say after not copying those exact words from the drafts past because it didn’t save at all. Anyway, this update is kinda… small. Yeah, sure, but it has an impact to the gameplay.

And yes, it’s one heck of a deal to it.

And I have a video to show to you on how it would actually run in the process. And I will explain it after you see it.

Like what you saw? Yeah, don’t bother much on the collision. It’s still work-in-progress, not perfection throughout. So, here’s what I have to say.

Let’s go by with a list to keep it easy, no?

Camera View

You see, this is one of the reasons why this update is pretty much huge in my opinion. Originally, what was planned out is that I would basically HARDCODE (in Layman’s terms, copypaste) the entire damn thing. Yes, I have a camera script lying around there and several other functions to make it functional.

And one event. One.

Until I used my damn brain and make it functional again. And by functional, I mean not use hardcoding and instead do it OOP-style. This means that I made everything run with a single common event with some FPS drops (which can be fixed later on because that’s easy to do). And that means I could focus now on other stuff. Which means I should use my head on other hardcoded shit. Yeah, go figure.

Gab Window

Whenever you come across a locked door or interact with something like getting a key, you’d be usually paused by something like a really long wait time to get that thing or just… damn plain cruelty by having a text box THEN have a long wait time as the item itself manifests and takes 50% of the game’s screen. That, is not good.

The purpose of this gab window is to make sure to remove those stuff. Text boxes are only used in other stuff such as NPC interactions or fairly nefarious stuff that is necessarily cruel (which, with guarantee, would only occur in the early parts of the game).

The gab window, in general, is pretty much a pop-up message. It’s conveniently place in the upper-left corner (gonna add an option to make it appear at the upper-right corner). So yeah, I’m gonna take it up a notch if you get stuck in a corner.

About ‘Doors’

So you saw those really transparent doors, right? Well, it’s… quite experimental. Kinda funny trying to bring something realistic to the table even when what I’m doing is kind of off in the first place.

The thing about it is that- sorry, got confused by TWICE. Kinda hard working when there’s a music video about cute girls singing and dancing playing at your other monitor.

The thing ABOUT IT is that if you really did notice (which, by now, you would notice because I said so :P) when the doors are not closed, the player can instantly go to another area. If it is, then the player has to prompt it with the action button. But why though?

It’s because I want to. No, it’s because it’s necessary. Imagine getting chased and THEN the moment you press that action button, you get caught. The difference is pretty much a millisecond, but it’s big enough. Call it game design, but it’s something that I’ll give input into especially when it involves the higher difficulties.

Zoom In and Out

And if you didn’t notice, that was the intro. Just that. Nothing that describes “HOLY SHIT SO THIS IS HOW IT HAPPENED”. No, you’re thrown into a hellhole. And you have to deal with it. If this was real life, do you want to think about how you ended up here? Of course not, unless it’s for reasons like science.

Anyway, the Zoom In and Out functions are quite the arsenal. You see, I got a lot of applications for it. And if I were you, don’t bother asking. Ignorance is bliss.

Flashlight Mode

In juncture with the Camera View as well as the zoom functions, this is the result. The aforementioned Flashlight Mode. Tell me, why does it have two modes? Why?

Let’s just say that it will help you later on. Seriously, it helps. I just won’t tell you how it would help you in some aspcts. That kind of ruins the fun, right?

But I’ll tell you how the Flashlight Mode works. It has two dedicated functions: Circular and Frontal. Circular is pretty much circular; its goal is directed on small spaces. Frontal, meanwhile, acts for exploration. Disorienting as Frontal is, that’s because I used it wrong. Besides, it’s another game design to make sure from time-to-time that you’ll use Circular.

Wew, now that’s long! Didn’t expect this update to be a mouthful. Welp, I’ll be off for now! See ya!

Oh, and about the next update? Well, we will talk about something that is truly out of the ordinary.



Next up

Are mops overrated?

by Zorga

It is time... to make another game.


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