The Sullivan Story: Disney Land
7 years ago

An Update Pt. 5

Hi everyone!
It’s me again, back at it with another late night non-monthly update post. Today’s a good day because now things are moving very smoothly! Let’s jump into it.
Nights 1-4:
The updates for Nights 1-4 are pretty much completed, with only bug fixes and slight tweaks needed to be added before the first 4 nights are fully complete!
Night 5:
Night 5 for this game back when it was originally released was almost a carbon copy of every other night 5 in a fnaf fangame ever since fnaf 4 came out. I’m honestly ashamed of that, so I’m putting my best effort into making Night 5 a much more enjoyable experience. The changes to Night 5 are almost complete, with only a couple more tweaks in gameplay to be made.
Release Dates:
I’ve said this for the last 2-3 posts, I hate release dates. I’ve mentioned why in my previous posts, so I won’t go into detail. However, I am 100% certain that this update will be done in 2018. With the holidays coming up and a new fnaf game coming out in December I won’t have much time to work. So I am giving that to you all.
Teaser Time?
Sadly, no teaser time this time around. I’ve teased all I can tease and I don’t want to have to make unnecessary teasers. Sorry everyone. I may find a way to tease small things though, so keep an eye out ;)

Until Next time,

  • Josh



Next up

Five Nights at Treasure Island: Origin Story Announcement!

New Role Players Chapter + Blog Post!

Final release Date.


New blog post!

BOOM! Another blog post!

Final Release Date Teaser in Case You Guys Didn't read Origin Story.

new Role Players chapter and blog post!

June 5th, 2017

Research Notes (New Teaser)