Komodo Dragons & The Curse of Crystal
7 years ago

An updated demo of my curse

After a huge break I needed (because i have life actually and this project pisssed me) i decided to finally start cleaning up riddiculous game code. Mechanics for the game are basically done (only thing i forgot today is make Fiera deal damage to enemies with his flame). Level event sheet is really hard to clean up for such a crazy game, and that was the worst thing. Luckily, game pattern is similar for all 8 levels, so some day if i have enough time and willpower all levels will have nice and clean scripting. For now enjoy fully working demo i loved, except i forgot to make Fiera deal damage, and now i have no time to update it again :)



Next up

thsvou.exe has stopped RUNNING

updated health bar:

Some screens :D


another particle effects.

water particles are cool for me

is this new tile better? New is up, old is down

i have problem with this...

compare old vs new grass/ground

More visuals