1 year ago

anatomy of Krisrot

Chapter 1:

Let's start with the outside shell


his hat and bowtie are a part of him because

he never takes them off, which means that

they are impossible to be taken off.

Krisrot's outside shell is damaged near his eye.

Now let's get to the inside shell


The inside shell provides a layer of protection, that allows Krisrot to survive a hit from an axe, but his arms and legs aren't protected by it, because of the fact that this shell

doesn't move as easily as the outside one

Now let's get to his skeleton


These are just bones, but blue, and his legs are broken

but it doesn't affect him in anyway.

Now let's get to his digestive track


It partially provides a protection for his other organz,

I counted his mouth too, because I think it counts.

He can make his tongue retract into his throat.

Now onto his organz


those are his organz, I will go on things different from normal regular humans later.

now onto the... well metal frame


This is mostly support for his skeleton,

but it also protects his... non-existent neck from being snapped.

Chapter 2:

Let's start with his stomach


his stomach is very big, and that's about it.

Now let's get to his digestive sack


this has 2 purposes the first is to supply stomach acid

into his... well stomach, and the second purpose is

for attacking, by projectile vomiting it at his opponents

but he isn't capable of it.

Now onto his eyes



his eyes are very similar to humans, although

his iris closes vertically (somewhat similar to a cat's iris, but it can close completely) the little disc on the back of his eye provides light. he can see more shades of blue than a human can, but less shades of red then well... a human can.

thanks to the way his eyes are built, his FOV is higher than a human's is.

Now his voice box


it simply makes his voice sound like a rubber ducky,

when the helium enters it temporarily makes it's effect weaker,

which makes his voice deep.

now onto his brain


it's about the size of your fist, and the reason it's

blue is because of his mana reactor which I will explain soon.

but before that, let's talk about his iq... it's lower than 0.

now his mana reactor™


the 5 egg shaped objects are creating mana™, which makes it's way into his brain, this is what causes the it to be blue.

thanks to it's existence Krisrot can regenerate lost limbs (for the most part), but except for that it gives him 69% increase to mana™ stat, and a 5% increase to charisma stat. It also allows his eyes to produce light. Thanks to the stat increase it allows him to cast more powerful spells, and makes him capable of talking his way out of 5% more situations that he otherwise could have, although he never takes advantage of that.

Thanks for coming to my Kris-talk.



Next up

So... I changed my pfp today

So I decided to start making a Fnav ARG. Here is a concept for the first video. [[GORE WARNING]]

Five Night at Vektor (Lore Update) trailer



Official fnav teaser game??!?!??!!??!?!?!?!?!?!111

link: https://gamejolt.com/games/VektorBall/799870

progress on my texture pack

Five Night at Vektor Officially released... well anyways there's my pc wallpaper.

Krisrot in the femur breaker