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I've had it all, and lost it all so many times; but I'm still here. Lets' Go.

Read a book bithes. Yall will get there. LOL

They was always mad cause I made it look easy. Deep. So Deep. I put that net to sleep.

Member when we was young we thought we could not replace then we had how many after; if you good it will happen again. Still love all of them. So Blessed. Keep it movin.

Them hoes was always like don't shoot that. LOL Nevermind. "Nice Shot." LOl #RainDance #raindance #WhiteChocalate #whitechocolate. LOL [SAC]

It's called #Swag #swag if ya anit gotta it; ya better ask.

Yall know eventually they had to send #Superman To sort out all them old ugly dudes with all that power and no dealies. LOL

I have lived yall. Thank You God.

We are Forever Young yall. Enjoy the ride.

They do not know glory; therefore they know no truth.