JJ's Ubermon Journey
1 year ago

Android port out now! + PC v1.0.4 details

Hey guys, I'm happy to announce that the Android version of Ubermon is officially out now! Sorry it took so long, it's been very busy these past days. I moved into a new apartment about a week ago, and I had my graduation last night. I basically had a lot on my plate, but I was also able to beta test the game on my phone in the meantime.

I also went ahead and made some minor modifications to the original PC version.





Next up

PC v1.0.5 and Android v1.0.2 details

Update log #10

Update 7

Finally gave Blender a shot, and hey, not bad for my first model being made there lol

The robot's name is Jet btw

I might be a little late on this, but never too late to jump onto the public domain bandwagon. lol

Drawn in Aseprite.

This is a piece of fan art I did for a YouTuber I follow. He mostly covers and talks about Rareware games on his channel. Go check him out, he's awesome!

Drawn in Aseprite. Text added in Photoshop.

I've been working on a Halloween game this entire month for a TDC game jam. Check it out if interested!

* Poster created by @ThePurplePumpkin *

I've only just discovered this Chipper and Sons community here on Game Jolt, but I wanted to share this. It is an updated DELUXE edition of the game that I made a few weeks ago. Check it out if interested!

Coming soon...

I finally decided to put my Halloween game of 2023 on the site. Enjoy!!!