2 years ago

Animation by my Friend TheBlueBlur,the sound designs ( SFX ) and music will come soon

Ps : I wrote the fight



Next up

Pov : You See Sound's RP in Sonic Pulse. 🤣

A new design for Seelkadoom, honestly I went through hell and heaven to find these colours. In conclusion,a pain.But it was worth it,I edited the photo a bit with contrast and brightness 😁.

Meet Mecha-Seelkadoom,created to find the 7 emeralds until Seelkadoom returns from the black-hole dimension.Unfortunately,the motorbugg Jeffrey had to witness his demonic fury and demonic abilities by giving him a brutal horrible beat up. F. 😔

Sonic's birthday is almost here!

Check your quest log on June 21st to start the celebration!

(His birthday is the 23rd, but our party starts early.)

Imagine if Sonic Heroes was on the GBA

(not 100% accurate but just a fun idea I had)

My First TikTok with my boy,bad editing,don',t beat me lmao 🤣.

RPing with ur alt in Sonic Pulse be like :

Sonic vs Seelkadoom ( rematch ) in 💠 Sonic RPG Apocrypha 💠 a story made by myself.Soon will have an intro and ending.S0undMonster #6340 on discord. ( We have people to play the characters ). ( Btw, Seelkadoom waiting for Sonic and it's friends to arrive.👀