The Fairy Tale REVAMPED

8 years ago

Announcement - Open Beta will begin soon

The open beta will begin soon.
How soon “soon” will be depends most of all on how many setbacks will pop up the next set of days. If none occur, the open beta may start next weekend or at least in the upcoming week after the weekend.

If you are still impatient, you can go to There I will upload a new version after each fixing session.
The reason I use sourceforge for that (and not gamejolt) is because sourceforge allows me to upload programmatically.
As soon as the open beta begins I will start uploading new versions here, but less frequent as on sf until the game can be considered “stable” (as then there aren’t many uploads any more).

If updates are needed during the open beta I will very likely pst those every Monday (but only if needed). Critical bugs (the ones crashing the game blocking you the possibility to properly finish the game) will (of course) lead to an update here on GameJolt as soon as they are fixed.


Mac Users who have HomeBrew installed can already use Homebrew to install the game. The terminal command for that is:

			brew cask install phantasarproductions/tft-revamped

And updating to the newest version is

			brew cask reinstall tft-revamped 

One the game is no longer beta updating with brew should automatically replace the beta for the stable version.

Game Jolt Client Users

If you are using the Game Jo lt client, then you can just await the announcement that the beta has gone live, and the client will automatically replace the demo with the full beta version, and same as with homebrew replace the beta for the stable version once the game has reached the stable status.

“Early access”

Despite the game still being beta the status will be replaced with “complete”. This to allow ratings to flow more naturally as all the (very positive) ratings I received so far will automatically be forfeit once the stuat is change dot complete. Since I will after the actual beta has gone live only fix some bugs there is no need to make ratings go the “wrong way”.


I said it before but I guess I’ll have to say it again to clear up all confusion. The full version is NOT live on GJ yet. Only on SourceForge and homebrew will you now get the full beta. The beta on GJ will be there most likely during or after the next weekend!!!

Closed Beta

This also closes the want-ad for closed beta-testers. The ones I still have may depending on how things go receive one final upload today and the next upload after that will be public.
The forum thread about this shall also be closed in less than a few minutes.



Next up

Why do people wanna be a #moderator? Is it really such a #cooljob?

Too easy, you've been warned now

Killing only brings you so far!

No more launcher needed in the new game, however I kept in Marrilona's dress-ups in the load-game screen based on the current time of the year.

Can you see why this pyramid deal could never be solved from the start (regardless what the already removed cards are)?

Concept save game screen

Beethoven meets Tchaikovsky

Just a screenshot

Game redo on Cynthia Johnson

Celebrities (almost) killed by one of their biggest fans