
1 year ago

ANNOUNCEMENT: The TraiC Browser is now up!

This is a website where you can share and play the levels you make.

If all goes well, TraiC might be coming this year!




Next up

Say hi to the brand new layer system in TraiC! It makes overlaying and selecting objects a breeze :).

Are you ready for what's to come?

Without deleting anything, I've managed to shrink the game down over 30 MEGABYTES!

messing around in the editor :)

I just made the game 10 megabytes lighter, this is BIG :O

don't mind me, just mining with my key :P

It's hard to resist, touching the purple coral thingy :D.

The five OST albums are finished!

Zeraora casually shattering the ground with Plasma Fists!!

Just finished PMD: Explorers of Sky. What a game!!

edit: cleaned up the waves