End of Rope
7 years ago

Another controller system update


I’m still trying to insert and replace the old system with the new. It’s getting there, but there’s a lot of new stuff I need to figure out and fix. The menu is working and the game itself is getting there as well. You can play normally, but it’s a tiny bit wonky, so I’m working on that.

Other than that, there’s a lot of random new bugs that I can enjoy (not). When all is fixed I’ll make sure you guys can play a normal game of End of Rope without controller issues.

Also, the menu system totally gave up, so I had to spend some time rebuilding it from scratch. Don’t ask me why, but it just decided to retire.
The new menu looks exactly the same, so expect the same exciting (again, not) menu. I did however spend some time showing the available input controllers in the character selection.

If you for example have a keyboard and two controllers hooked into the computer, they will show up so you’ll know they are connected. Kinda sweet, kinda unnecessary. Perhaps.

I will try to get the new version out some time next week, but it kinda depends on how many random bugs I can find.

As soon as possible I can start working on the fun parts: Making the multiplayer even more fun - I have a long list of stuff I want to put into the game mode, and also some basic single player mode, just to test it out.

Aaand I also need to extend my analytics quite a bit. I’m interested in knowing what controllers are used in the game, so I will probably set them as payloads for the events in my analytics system. Right now I’m just guessing, and that’s never a good thing. Guessing is the mother of fuckups.

As always,



Next up

Preparing for release! Getting real nervous - there's less than a month to the release of Necken, and there's just way too much stuff that needs to be done. Feel free to join the discord if you want to be a part of the release:

Hello followers! I just wanted to tell you that a new version of Necken is available,, with some battle UI updates and other smaller fixes. Would love to hear what you think =)

A shit ton of crates!

Changelog 0.3

Necken full version is available on GameJolt! I've been waiting so long for the release, but it's finally here! IF you decide to buy it, I want you to know that the current version is quite short - something that will be fixed next major update!

Necken 0.17.0 Demo update! Featuring Save system!

Want more grapple hooks? While I’m wrapping up the new version of End of Rope, why not give We are Subjects a go? It’s super cheap and will let you grapple in a cave!

Necken 0.16.0 Demo update, featuring the combat rework

Characters #2

End of Rope 0.4 (With single player!) 0.4 is up and running, and it’s a single player mode in it! =D