A Cold Christmas at Nave
7 years ago

Another Horror Game!?

Hey guys, I was wondering if I should make more horror games… now that I have experience on making one! ;)

Don’t worry, it’s not like those horror games that rely on jump scares…
Like this game (A Cold Christmas at Nave) it’s going to rely more on tension/atmosphere or the story itself.

There, the protagonist is…

Link Zulpher

There’s more to come, but now, you just have to get prepared for a childish game that has full of jokes and parodies. TJOP2 is coming to haunt you like a cat!




Next up

Here, the screen tint and the intensity of the darkness are based on the distance between you and the torch.

What's in the sack?

Here's another teaser for you all. For Lukewarm Massacre 2.

Artwork for Lukewarm Massacre 2

Nick and I were having massive beef steak again...

More teasers for you guys!

Feeling lucky? Try rolling a 20 in a d20.

Someone from The Search For a Colour Palette is going to make an appearance in Lukewarm Massacre 2! (W.I.P; nothing is final)

Artwork for Lukewarm Massacre + Cloud Save Available

Rituals of the undone... Statues of the unknown... Spirits of the undead... Candles of the unlit...