Circus Of Nightmares

2 days ago

another Prototype Rabbit WIP

(she's mostly brown since i couldn't figure out a good colour for her since blue/purple is Bonnie, yellow/gold is springbonnie, green is springtrap and red/orange is Glitch (OC in HWaB)

#CircusOfNightmares #HWaB



Next up

here's unwithered Prototype Rabbit

here are the main menu background images

here's a NedBear WIP

all I can think about when I see her is El Chip lmao

I think it's the colours and the buck teeth

chat is this real!?!?!?

WIP for Prototype Rabbit (in-cannon she's an "unfinished" animatronic so she has missing hands)

here's a new render based of the song "Aftershow" if u know u know but anyway I came up w this ages ago but I finally bothered to make it earlier (less than 20 minutes ago lmao)

here's the new animation (if u couldn't figure it out I tried to do smt different with the animation style)

here are the only renders I have so far

here's Withered Prototype Rabbit (this is the one well see in-game)