Hidden Protector : ROADTRIP

3 years ago

Another screenshot



Next up

New thumbnail and early version of the splash screen

Here is our contribution for the #globalgamejam2024. THE BORED DUKE is a top down shooter where the mood of the duke changes the game world. You are the duke's jester and have to make him laugh by throwing pies at the villagers. Feel free to download it!

A civil war is coming in Therne, you will have to find your daughter in the north before it begins, earn some money to recharge your car and pass the military checkpoints by doing little jobs, but be careful TIME is the most important resource to manage.

Here are the deadlands, a region totally disconnected to the rest of the country, the people who live here are completly abandoned by the governement. (The footage you're seeing is WIP)

Hey guys,

We've been working for months (not full-time) on a prequel for Hidden Protector ROADTRIP, we are still early on production, so there are a lot of place holders for now :

Greetings! My name is Ilias, and a lifelong passion for video games has driven me to pursue a career in game development, culminating in the creation of my own studio.

My current project, Exploitation...

You can use the orbital camera as a tactical advantage, obliterate everything in one click.

The little town of Lauru once again, but the weather is nice.

Screenshots of Ashait, a poor region abandoned by the Therne federation, you can see farms struggling to survive, abandoned tunnels and wind turbines.

Hey, I released a new devlog about the company's ship, the orbital camera and its tactical strikes, nebulon9's evolution and more shaders!

Here is the link :