29 days ago

another test game.

much more complex than the last, read article to see how it works

so theres this enemy ya have to kill

uh if you do not press space the sword will send him back to x 100

no damage will be dealt to either

press space and you can hurt him, but you cant parry him away leaving you vulnerable

once the enemies hp reaches 0, the player and enemy will dissapear ig

was originally gonna be a gun but i'm not that skilled :sob



Next up

so so far theres no objective to this "game"

(if you can even call it that)

but its fun experimenting

uh yeah

hopefully the video isnt broken

tutorials are great

anyways yeah learning the tml engine a bit

also this game will take like forever probably gonna be pretty big and i still am learning GML as much as i can

without clashing with school and shit

but yeah take like a concept art thingy whatever this game wont see the light of day for like 3 years

alr cool, i can actually code SOMETHING

(i didnt use a tutorial, crazy right? i can make a very basic movement system by myself that literally an idiot could create and thats probably very inefficient but its cool!1!1)

okay so this test "game" i made is now complete

pretty proud considering ive only seen a few tutorials before this and i can already create something small by myself

uh yeah anyways credits

art - me (dont judge its just a test game)

programming&music - me



guys i'm doing something for once!?

been watching some tutorials and i'm learning a lot more

my goal is to start trying to create undertale fangames by december of this year

however school is starting up again

expect to see a fangame in like less than a year hopefully

"The new sans undertale allegations are DISGUSTING."