Ultra Custom Night
2 years ago

Another Ultra Custom Night V.1.6.4 [+Campaign Mode] Status Update

Hey all. I felt like writing another devlog regarding the development of 1.6.4, as it’s been almost four months since the last one and a lot of stuff has happened since then.

Did you know Campaign Mode has been in development for OVER A YEAR NOW?! Crazy! Trust me, I want this to be done and released as much as you probably do.

First off, in case you’re confused on what 1.6.4 or Campaign Mode even is, check out the previous devlog first:

Okay, let’s start!

Q1: How much longer until 1.6.4 releases?

Again, sorry to say, no idea. I really don’t wanna give out dates until we’re basically 100% done with everything. I’m hoping it can be done by the end of the year, but still, don’t count on it as you may just disappoint yourself.

Q2: So, what changed since the last devlog?

Well, Campaign Mode’s overworld entered proper (((closed, not public, you can’t access it))) betatesting around a month ago! Yes, specifically the overworld. We REALLY want this thing to be as good as it can be, so we’ve been mostly focusing on the overworld for a while now, and it seems that period is over now! People seem to have enjoyed it, and I’m quite satisfied with the amount of content it has! All of the playthroughs have took around 2 hours (a bit less than 2 at minimum and a bit less than 3 at maximum), imagine that with the actual levels implemented! I’d estimate a first playthrough (reading all the dialogue and all) would probably take around 3 hours.

Q3: What about the levels then??

Well, since the playtest sessions I’ve been at work finishing up implementing the levels! There’s still a bit left of them to do right now, but I feel like I could get them done by the end of the month? Maybe? After that, another few rounds of testing (probably with a larger player pool) and… release? I guess? (Again, DON’T expect it to come out like, a week after playtesting is done, there’s still some other stuff left, keep expectations low, y’know?)

Q4: Well, anything else?

Yes, actually! The soundtrack for Campaign Mode is pretty much finalized! Its total length is 1 hour, 14 minutes and 5 seconds! I’m really happy with how it turned out, I hope someone out there will like it. And, if you do, here’s a new track from it:

It’s called Whistling Woodlands and it plays in the first area of the game!

And another thing, in case you’re not interested in Campaign Mode; here’s a new Custom Mode character:


This is Shadow Springtrap, the coolest Five Nights at Freddy’s character.

I think that does it for this devlog! Thank you for reading, and as Augmented Jack-O-Bonnie once said,

"Secret ending."




Next up

Version 1.6.5 (SECURITY BREACH CHARACTERS & more) Patch Notes

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