A Night with a Castro (FNaF Parody Game)
4 years ago

ANWAC 2 nearly got cancelled: The 80's Aftermath.

Yesterday almost all of our stuff fucking died for the game it it wasn't by the 001 file, and now we know why.

Basically Running in the 80's was the responsable of such action, this game that is kinda nice almost KILLED a game, and who the fuck knows who could had been murdered by such beast aswell.

Make backups of your games and stay safe, this game almost killed one of my favorite games of my own making and i fear for anyone else who gets such horrible fate too.

You are not going to be Running in the 80's, you are going to ESCAPE OF THE 80'S, SHOOT AND RUN UNTIL YOU ARE SAFE FELLOW GAMERS, RUN.



Next up

Hey, ANwaC's birthday was yesterday, Big F, i lost it due to homework and some other stuff, have this lil' doodle to satisfy your hunger.

I bring a new oc for the Banban content grinder, Celest Crescendo! Enjoy the read (This took so looooong)!

as you guys did what i want to you, i promise you to show the hidden teaser of anwac 2 on ray in the wild major update

Thanks to Uhyeah I learned there's a Fanon Wiki for Banban and that people could be stealing OCs for their vids, so if they're going to steal stuff ATLEAST make it somewhat good instead of garbage. Enjoy the read Banbaners!

Sometimes ya' need a helping hand to get back on track when you're everywhere at once.

Shoutout to TAF 0 whom I escaped their basement from, enjoy the tafing in about one hour!

Unexpectency Phase 3, anyone?

The ANwaC Series is now 3 years old, have a celebration pic for this special day (and this time I'm not late yippie), next week I'll be busy with Irl stuff so no celebration teaser this time but there may be some once we finish with one of the new things.