Jav759DEV's Classic Games Collection (2020 to 2022)

1 year ago

anwj bossfight scrapped idea

if i remember the idea was 3 bosses in 1 bossfight

and this was in with 1:37 / 1:59

ducky d00m




Next up

ik ik this normally doesnt work but


lets get a last one before of scrap that bullshit for now

alt ver of nulli

like if he had already some and can be considered as a alternative ver of a oc


wanna see my head come off

want some p nis enlargement pills¿''

again sorry for repost for forget something

''i think he didnt like the joke''

bobux got toasted after that

now he is now ''toastux''

credit to

for create bobux

if i end having sex and have atleast a kid prob explain this was one of my favorite songs

would be fucked honestly

im ranning out of phrases so


''other timeline breach¿


oc by @LolbitLucky

''i wonder

would 2 skulls fit into my head¿''

other old oc that i never introduced

''the judgement day is upon you scum''

''i love guttertank''

''i belive in ''THERYAGO'' supremacy''

accidentally make them sing

''if tb mode tdx gets released

prob i will do the same thing of mki c but with this and void instead''

no actually