Five Nights at Sonic's: Maniac Mania EXTENDED

2 days ago

Anyways Normally I don't go out of my way in the day to make these type of post. But since It's really needed to be said, and it's regarding about the skin requesting.

Basically we do not accept any collabs unless if anyone like the director asks the team if we wanna collab with them but besides that issue. We are gonna talk about Skins, Skins have already been final and done. No more skins so PLEASE do not go out of your day to ask one of us to accept your own skin offer we are not going for a lot more skins. Now if you ironically just ignore this post and still do it then womp womp still the same answer. Anyways just wanted to say this, have a good rest of the day or night lol




Next up

Sorry for too much Cobalt Taingle i promise i wont be sharing anymore progress on her, anyways here is her Info Pose

#MostFearedMob Creepers. No explanation is needed

Holy hotdogs on a toaster!

oh cool thanks

New Nightmare Golden Sonic pose

May Devlog Finally got some progress done holy shit. Also help wanted thing coming tmmr or today

Hey Apple


Slight Delay, sorry about that anyways here's your New Info pose!1 for Nightmare Tails huzzah. (If we get to 500 Followers I'll reveal another one trust)