Cartoon Buddies Caken't Place
Why Caken't? Bc the Bitch of Javier eaten the God Damn Cake
(Drawing Inspired on a Tom & Jerry meme)
Cartoon Buddies Caken't Place
Why Caken't? Bc the Bitch of Javier eaten the God Damn Cake
(Drawing Inspired on a Tom & Jerry meme)
A Week with Javier - Fan Game or Original?
Yeah its a game I'll make a GamePage sometime soon idk
If you wondered how the Buggy Minigame will be here a leak
4 Night(the guy on right is my friend I'm chattin in Discord)
What's happening with him?
Tomorrow im going to be Back to College so every game im working on is going to be slowed down, expect a post per 2 weeks
Im doing a thing its not a smart thing, but a thing nonetheless added some more I'm not gonna reveal the rest
oh crap, it's been so many time i made those kind of dynamics... so, I think it's time to do this again, i kinda miss those kinds of dynamics honestly, so QnA time.