3 days ago

Art trades are open again.

If any one wants to do one feel free to


No NSFW requests -

No minor suggestive requests -

No vore -

No fetish -

No Mecha -

I draw

Monsters -

Furries -

Humans -

Ect -

My dead line for my art to be given is around a week

(Doubt we need that since I make tons of art and they just lay there)


ALSO if wanted to become moots afterwards thats okay by me but I don't start conversations only if I wanna.

I honestly am bad at it,

So make sure to let me know if you wanna become moots after the Art trade

(Need more art moots, p.s I chat alot about my interests)

I don't wanna become moots on here. I use discord for that



Next up

My butt got one done.. another more to go!

Guys, this is not what I want you to friend me for and just say that he already sent the winking smiley twice in a shout and it's just stupid I'm not looking for any one right now nor is he my type so. I rather not start any thing just don't add me forthi

Art trade with CRO12

Just have this lazy drawing only hour it took, I have to sleep I have church in the morning

Art trade any one?

(Closed now)

My will power isn't letting me finish art trades!! I'll try to get what I can tonight since trrw is art fight!

I'll get a few done to night I wanna start on my hit list trrw on a few people!

P.S don't steal this design it's a raffle giveaway :) old art


(Sorry I didn't know how to make a gif so I made a small video of the finished one and the sketch I like the sketch more but I'm working on the drawing now)

Made the ref sheet of ocean,

An @Dynocation OC!

Lore below

(Sorry if it's not all right I tried)