It is soon going to be... 1 year NO GAME.
I'm supposed to stay quiet but I guess that's fine. Nobody has thrown bricks at me for not releasing it this year *COUGH COUGH* LIFE *COUGH COUGH* ISSUES *COUGH COUGH* STUFF so somewhere in 2025... Maybe.
I have tried to scale down the "too ambitious" stuff from the original version of DREADWALKER as much as possible. Now, I know this might shock some—but the game is NOT going to be entirely "free-roam."
It's only for SOME certain floors and rooms, since I think people are not going to enjoy "find key and survive until 4929124 hours lol xd good luck" after a couple of minutes into the game. At best, it's going to be like every TRTF 5 revival out there. This was ALWAYS the original idea, and I prefer we stick to it. (shout-out to TRTF Expanded Edition)
Engine switch to Unreal Engine 5 for such the type of a game WAS "discussed", but we'll just immediately hit a brick wall.
In the meanwhile, I have taken over making the floors and scenes just to get things further. Obviously, they will be replaced by Froob's assets once I get them.
So, to end it off... No, Playtesters and other people—I have not forgotten about you. (becauseilovemyplaytestersandimeanplatonicallydontcancelmewaitwhydidievenaddthis???) Currently dealing with some... stuff which I'm trying to get sorted out and through... and I'll release another build IF I can finish the first floor. Once and for all. I'm not (my mind has advised me to not finish this joke)