4 days ago

#ArtyLovesMinorsAndGore -ArtyMik908's Document Update!-

Updates, Arty is yet again trying to frame with legit stupid old cringe shit that I did around Scratch when I was 14, yes, 14. An stupid age to handle.

Document: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGC9mNw68Y/Jur0Mc47UEjYK5tJtxzzCw/view?utm_content=DAGC9mNw68Y&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor

@gamejolt , if you can read my mind and saw this document, please IP banned or anything to him for real.



Next up

which side are you on

aethos or rotten smoothie

Finished cooking the document of MMLL, back to cooking Somniphobia, this will basically show why we stealing Naxinet and MMLL community's songs, changing contexts better and claiming them lmfao

MMLL document: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGILe9GIDQ/fZtnT6dzT4A0lbLq4NWwcw/…

-Troll Build Update!-

Added reminder of clicking on a Snicker thing, changed credits and even added a credits mashup music! Available on the Soundtracks! (It's UST btw)

(Get trolled Arty, Shashi, Naxi and Chris lmfao )

#ArtyLovesMinorsandGore Here it is, ArtyMik908 OFFICIAL Exposed Document, please spread this link and document around the social media.

Feel free to put your experiences here in the comments. https://www.canva.com/design/DAGC9mNw68Y/Jur0Mc47UEjYK5tJtxzzCw/…

idk, game develop (i was forced to do the vine to send this)

So I wanted to say I'm gonna be helping My brother from another mother @MarkCR12 with his pizza tower mod, I will be making the soundtrack in the mod. (art by MarkCR12 btw)

one last response of the mmll copyright threat, not only you can't copyright dead people as characters in the songs, you also can't copyright your mod shit has bf on it since he's a copyright character due to funkin team giving lawsuits without permission

After if I finished cooking the MMLL document, I'll go back to the game cooking more (I'll promise) and for the people who wants me to update Arty's document, be patient please, that would be nice

Update of EduardBoscut Exposed Document: Second "apology," misinformation, homophobic slur, racism and more soyjak harassment posts. (Please spread this document around the social media.) https://www.canva.com/design/DAGBXrVKs-Q/jUs6lYCeCgxFerr4JmmgrQ/…

Guys, this game is legit better than Somniphobia's troll build I made to make fun of Arty, you should check out @ScaryFroggie 's funniest game he just released N O W
