And She's Adopted.
(Also,She Was Young Ag Her Age 1-5, When She Was An Egg,And She Was Made By The Federation But They Did not found her, Until Asha found's the portal to go to the Montreal, And Found Lake On Lake's Funland, So decide to Adopted her. But Then. after 5 Year's, Asha Hatch And Not A Dragon, But A Human Form, The Federation Relize that They Mixed up the Experiment On to her, And Boom! She Became Human! Also Head Canon,nHaidne Married Him So... I Think That's Her Another Father Now : )
Pov:She's 10 Lol
And Also In This AU, The Animatronic Are Human's So Yeah. And The Oithe Human Character's Exist Like Ashley Rachel Or the Other Murder Children (Not Being Killed In this AU, Yeah) ; )
And Fact Im Gonna Make An AU Tho. Maybe.
And For A Fact. Lake Found Her In 1998 So Asha is Indeed 1 And Now In 2014 (TMH)!Turn 17 Damn!
Yes. Also Headcanon. Reagan Also Friend's With Asha!