Some Nights at Firey's
1 year ago

At this point...

At this point I regret this post



Next up

Small FNaS 1 2.0 review.


So, I've been trying to export a Psych Engine build.

And it keeps giving me this, any ideas on how to fix it?

so, what do we think of this?

any prop suggestions are appreciated (especially fnas 2 and 4 rep) #fnas

title screen for the new one's done

And now the moment you've all been waiting for! The FNaS: Cloned-Up! Act 1 Designs!

#FNaS #FiveNightsatSonics #FNaSClonedUp

forget this.

trying again tomorrow.

So, about that office wip I showed off a couple days ago?

It is from a game I'm working on, and I'm hopefully gonna get a game page up for it soon.

For now, have the first two dev screenshots from a while back. #fnas

guys look at my awesome new sonic oc

his name is Giuseppe the Hedgehog

I will finish the FNaS: Cloned-Up Act 1 designs when I beat FNaS 1, and that's a promise.