Did you expect something here? Sorry but I only have a choccy milk for ya
I do have something else but a only one time this post
Did you expect something here? Sorry but I only have a choccy milk for ya
I do have something else but a only one time this post
one more time
so yeah trying to avoid this in my year 11 classes
he was the police car i was the ambulance
FR: Des cadres pour avatar sont disponibles en magasin. Dites-moi ce que vous en pensez et faites passer le message ! ;)
EN: Avatar frames are available in the shop. Tell me what you think about it and pass the message on ! ;)
cruise missile gameplay.mp4
FR: Ce que vous voyez est ce que j'ai texturé jusqu'à présent. :)
EN: What you're seeing is what I have textured so far. :)
Pour / For: @Ra4ok_Dev
Dessin par / Drawing by: @BonnieBonzo
my eyes! so many camera changes!!
I fucking hate the bloody wizards
cause they are tanky, fast, have auto targeting and choose the wrong time to attack you
FR: J'ai maintenant une chaîne Rumble. Privilégiez-la à la place de YouTube pour voir mes vidéos. (Lisez l'article) ;)
EN: I have now a Rumble account. Choose it instead of YouTube to watch my videos. (Read the article) ;)