29 days ago

@ArtyMik9082005 Stay the fuck away from my buddy you lying bastard, Also stop following my irl younger brother thunrrr_playz on scratch you fucking degenerate. don't you fucking DEAR involve my family with YOUR fucking dramas and lies.



Next up

Argyll Slaughter Mansion (FT my mums version of me)

Doing something for fathers day

Remer the FNAS rebranding me and my babe were making? Its back. but now its got a Original name thanks to my Boyfriend and I found out what will replace the mario characters So thanks to @thedumbforeskin620

Well then.

did some Stress release art after all that went down

@ArtyMik9082005 do I mother fucking look like I will forgive you? take a stick, and shove it up your ass. I have zero care in my heart for forgiving someone like you after what you did to me and my family.

Hes still causing problems. And yes I'm being honest. I will do it. the one thing I swore on my life I would NEVER do. Thats how done I am.

I have never snapped this hard online, I snapped this hard IRL and crippled someone irl. let that sink in, because its exactly why I have Dementophobia

Ok thats strike three arty, when I wake up. I'm doing it. @ArtyMik9082005 You did this to your self.

Some random lazy art out of bordem and because of the hole drama that went down. (read the damn artical because again, I need to CONFERM something)