3 years ago

@Fobi He is sus!!!!!!!!!🤯😱 he was sus all the time!!!!!!!🤯😱

1 comment


Next up

We are gonna be crazy now! The whole new update of gamejolt has begun! The new sort up below is good and you can see coummites! It's gonna be fun! Thanks to @gamejolt for this! (I had to put it on game dev because this is general and fun stuff here) yay!

IDUS (I don't understand)

Me ready to protecc all da communities and bark at the mean people.

OMG I GOT TO CLASS 8 sadly I didnt get mod

Yes actually the title is now no longer a gonna be a meme review editon

Y o u d u m b

Halloween meme review #1

OMG I GOT TO CLASS 8 WITHOUT FLING CONTROL ON MOBILE!!!!!! (not the WR, didn't get mod also) (had to repost)