3 years ago


*what a chad. (ha funny reference.)

*(read article)

This was made 12/11/2020

Hello! FormulaFanboy is another form of artist! he developed really cool games (see his profile to see them, if you want to.

like the others I will draw,

I will now pay my respects to him:


And here is a bit I have to say:

Hey man! just like to say, I think it's super awesome how you developed as many games as you did, your truly talented! especially the KniteBlargh's surprise you had many artists do!

KniteBlargh's surprise may have inspired me to do this, at least it's a part of it.

just keep up all the great work you do!

and thank you for all you do. a real "chad" look, I did it, I made the joke.


that's all I have to say. With the big bad covid going around, it's good to try to do good, in anyway, so I hope my art at the very least will make someone feel better, in any case.

of course, I will absolutely make more like this. keep an eye out for that. see ya on the flip side.



Next up

it's been awhile since I've posted art.

Kinda forgot too- Anyways!

Have some Storyswap.


*lovely art.

*(read article)

This was made 12/12/2020

STONELESS is an ambitious mix of Plants vs. Zombies-style tower defense gameplay and RPG elements, currently being developed by studioWULLOG. The game can be found at: https://gamejolt.com/games/stoneless/826864 (More about it in the article.) Art by: Gato

Battery Chad Builder 2 Costume Code

Sans the Skeleton

(I am nowhere near a good sprite artist I know this is really bad looking)


*Eyy~ Undertale Maann

*(read article)

This was made 12/8/2020

Don't even know what to call this.

But I did make this awhile ago. I forgot I even made it.

Also I haven't posted art in awhile so here I am.

horribly failed to make a oneshot niko sprite


Up and coming Undertale fangame, Outertale Meliorism! And we need YOUR help! Read the article for more info! (Art by: CantfFindVirus)