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this is peak fortnite.
omni man wearing nikes. this is actually fucking peak,
now we can have omni man, peter, snake and gojo pull up wearing this shit!
we went to o block (and died)
ft: @Highcell @proelectricity @BombOmb356 @ClownFromSA @pumpandskid123 @Reggiesteel96 @pie_jpg @_its8bit_ and me.
ehh i got bored again.
Art dump
this fucker took sonic's title.
done with finals i think.
Art dump 2
(My phone sucks)
One of the ocs in this is created and owned by @fishtunafish
(The axolotl one)
The female hedgehog is named Glimmer
And repost of the satanos thing
"time out"
anyways i'll start work after my finals new week.
chole and her uh cupcakes...