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WIP for "Rock paper scissor lore"

Here is what's left to-do before release.

I should be able to release it tonight or tomorrow

"Rock paper scissor lore" is done at 99.9%

Only need 1 QA to-do when at home. Then, I will upload it

I prepared the game page while in the bus to upload it faster tonight.

WIP for "WWThumbs"

I started making the sprites and the menu.

Almost all the sprites are done

in a hotel room

on my laptop

looked up to find the most suspicious looking lamp ever

When you wake up at 3am and you remember that embarrassing thing you did in school when you were 13

WIP for "Rock paper scissor lore"

The arena mode needed some spicy content, so.... I added the bosses in the spawn system :D

(Game almost ready to be released).

Gn folks

Again, no new games to release this weekend, but a lot of progress for sure ^^

"I had a stroke reading that"

I know its been a while, but here is a small video a did based on something someone by the name "matt rose" did