2 years ago


Say Hello to Mario.MP3 (Chocolate Mario.EXE)

Mario.MP3 Is a Chocolate Entity .MP3 Based on a V2 Design of Mario.EXE

Justin is his friend

He hates His Butcher 's Knife getting Stolen



Next up


BoppyBerry & IDLY are Talking (Like a Hang Out)

Here's the Nice Version of Chocolate Glitched Jumpman

Also, Would you like to name him?

(He's a nice version of the OG Chocolate Glitched Jumpman, which he need friends)

Hiroma Loves Racer Killer

(For @NatalieBrazelton)

Alyssa 🥶

(from SSN: Bloodhunter)

Here's the Progress of IDLY Luigi SpriteSheet Animation

Remaster Connor and Legacy Connor loool?!!?!!!

@NatalieBrazelton This is Luigi (Mario is missing)

PS135's Brother

Later from his body to become a skeleton, he Turned into a Soulless Ghost but anyone can hear him but not see him

Meet MB (TMB Mario)

Cirius's Friend (Depressed and Scared)

(For @NatalieBrazelton)

MB Doesn't like Being Possessed or forced to kill anyone. You might know the lore of Mario The Music Box

assistant manager.dmg but I'm lazy

(For @NatalieBrazelton)

a W.I.P on Eternal Hated Chart