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Feel happy with your inner light!

#InsideOut #Movie #Video

During this month, there will be new backgrounds, avatar frames and stickers, based off at inside out 2 movie with few inside out characters.

for now only joy and anxiety!

This thing of being awake is not fun sometimes, I haven't been able to sleep after 2 hours, The time marks 4:50 am.


source: @ImagesDeltarune

#memes #deltarune #lancer #irl

It's not serious, but this really has to be a joke.

A small progress with the bullets, made by our partner / member: @TeamByMyself ( programmer)

It's time to sleep, tomorrow will be a great day I assure you!

DRSS Pre-Beta demo has been upload again with a little update in some assets and ui art changes, this time it's a debug verion v1.1 to testing a little much better.

#drss #demo #update