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Finally, here's the NeoDrivers' 2024 designs

Bro that took me so long to make... 😓

But still worth it ig... <:)

I drew Armenia and Palestine Country Cars in this special drawing because Armenia recognizes Palestine :D

Remember when said i was going to make the antagonist section in one of my series' characters list? I did it, and more antagonists are coming soon

Probably my final post because I am bored as fuck

WIP on the NeoDrivers opening theme

Depending on what this post reaches I will kill it in Minecraft

Free Palestine Art Jam result

Remember, only the Chile and Palestine Country Cars and Brazil ball fanarts are mine, the rest is from whoever joined this art jam

Bro look at Red and Yellow Colour Cars bruh

Happy new years

Just did something with 2024 Pilotoons Carlos Sainz Jr. >:D

Sort of a joke edit ig :|