While Tiwan may be dying, THERE IS A WAY TO SAVE GLOBAL.
We need AT LEAST 300 More Global Accounts if we even WANT to have a chance of saving it.
If You're a TW Player, Make a Global Account.
If You're new to the game; Make a Global account.
Most Importantly, Spread the Word.
Look, I know none of you care about the Global version, But Global holds a special place in my heart, It's when I actually started to make good content, Where I made a whole bunch of new friends, Where I got some INCREDIBLE pulls that SHOULDN'T EVEN HAPPEN.
I love XDiVE, And even if It isn't the up-to date TW Version, I still love it. I don't want it to die.
So please, if you even bother to read the whole thing, and you actually care....
Help me save this game.