PT-BR:ola galera tudo bem entao hoje eu adicionei 2 novos canais na comunidade do boby in miracle land e elas podem ser bem legais pra voces e vamo la a primeira é

1-DEV esse dev vou mostrar quantas coisas eu estou adicionando no jogo podem deixar vcs supresos com muitas coisas que vao vim no futuro

2-skins ISSO MESMO SKINS voces podem fazer sua propria skin e ai gente veja uma analise na sua skin e adicionamos pro jogo


EN:hello guys it's ok so today I added 2 new channels in the boby in miracle land community and they can be really cool for you and let's go the first one is

1-DEV this dev will show how many things I am adding in the game can leave you surprised with many things that will come in the future

2-skins THIS SAME SKINS you can make your own skin and then people see an analysis on your skin and we add it to the game

muito obrigado gente por lido ;)))))))))

thank you so much for read ;))))))))))



Next up

The New 4.0 including the @Paquete5 songs and reworked sprites (forgot to mention: press the Bloodness text to start)

The New Credits screen!!

LET THE PUNISHMENT BEGIN!!!!! this is all the people who i selected to test the new demo of Night Cycle Of Bloodness The game in private, only the ones who i mention in the post have the permission to play the demo

The New English update from boby in miracle land yipeeeeee (If you find any errors in the words, let me know)

Thank you so much to people all over the world who played Boby In Miracle Land.

I'm really happy about that, it was a great achievement

me and my friends are proud that such a work finally came alive in the world of @gamejolt

I removed some people from the game test list, due to inactivity or not meeting the requirements I was looking for.

If you want to be chosen, be very honest with the game itself

oh boy smooching time

Version 1.5.3

-Fixed boby's position in world 5 level 1

-added a new secret

-added eggo my beloved (lie I didn't really add) read the article

NEW DEMO + MOBILE VERSION any problems with the new version? contact me