@THE1STGAMEMASTER I wanted to add you with my TRUE MAIN ROBLOX ACCOUNT (FishycraftProto) but u got maximum friends bruh
Next up
"Hello, Monkey Resources?!" (Image not mine)
TwiddingLimbs (Twiddlefinger retake)
Max looks like the original Twiddlefinger in first phase, but his appearance will change.. (Don't steal)
I hope this mirror is normal- wait something is wrong
Proud straights (image not mine)
This is not the Max video I rember
“RobloxArchives804 ARG” is continuing……
I made a joke mod that is not finished (if you play this make a video about it and @ me) https://cocrea.world/@FishyCraft1234Minecraftrealmcraftandmore/I… the characters in my mod gallery are also not mine, they are just placeholders I got from someone else. I will remove them later
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