2 months ago

@TongKui you bratwurst, why did you tell the public about my past.



Next up

It's getting closer, here's a more understandable hint.

Get ready, The Community will not expect this drop.

Merry Christmas, here's a game name reveal.

my friend @TongKui asked me to do this,

literally the only reason he made me do this is that their names rhyme. OJCJ.

Hell yeah.

Finally beaten atlas mode on the leap year day.

Stabvel in a Nutshell 2 (DaKOOLSheep Edition)

happy mar10 day, here's a little meme i made inspired by the hi i'm spongebob meme.

50k dollar mistake jumpscare

A Message to the kermert's community, You guys shall be prepared for something big.


Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope you have enough turkey.