Biographical Information

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Birthdate: October 27 2009

Sexuality: Bisexual

Physical Description

Eye Color: Green (Original), Yellow (Classic)

Fur Color: Pasture Green

Attire: Yellow Shirt, Yellow Pants, Green Belts, Yellow and Green Hat


AXDR (Nickname)

Alexander (IRL Name)

AX (Nickname)

Alex (IRL Nickname)

Monika Simper (The Aliases was from Ethan)

AXBIGamr (Bisexual Name)


@Hannibal-lecter (IRL Best Friend)

@NateTheEpicFox124 (Boyfriend)

@FireyTheFlame (Friend)

@freddygamer726 (Friend)

@PlushTailsthefox (Friend)

@X_Sonic_XAltAcc (Friend)

@GreenStarAKAToySonic2023 (Friend)

@Furrbow_Furry (Friend)

@possoms (Friend)

@YABOI_Ethan_Mouse (Friend)

@nightmaresonicfan2007 (Friend)

@Lucky7omgomlAlt (Friend)

@GuyJustExcitedForFNAS (Friend)

@phillycheesestake-man12 (Friend)

Relatives (Not IRL)

OLVRGamr / Oliver (Son)

MXDKGamr / Monixandika (Daughter)



Next up

So I made this Smiling Critters OC, I guess. She is a fusion of Bobby Bearhug and Dogday. Is there a name for her?

500 Followers!!! :0


I'm gonna make something random. :P

Smg4 Screaming meme with @AXDRGamrTheGrayFox cringe content

Happy Birthday @PlushAleenathefox

here is a fanart for u! :D

So I drew myself using these markers. But tbh, the markers that I used makes it worse for my art. I will never use these markers ever again. -_-

Headback Besties

What just happened?