9 days ago

Ay' fellas, here it is: Serial Designation Ronald (i.e. a diassembly drone themed after the McDonalds' mascot)... what the fuck am I doing with my life :D



Next up

le epic (albeit early) gameplay test, a.k.a. me confirming that whatever the fuck I'm cooking in the "Scratch pot" may actually be real

Wackiest fucking scenario made with BrantSteele's Hunger Games Simuator no. 5, pt. 8 - last day, and the winner

Mwehwehwehwe, I've got the Newgrounds acc. now :3

heheh, funi

FYI: whatever I might just be cookin' up IS in Scratch... however, it's most likely it'll end up just here, on GJ, and not Scratch itself. I don't think they'll accept "Human KILLING Machine" as something to stay on there for more than a day or less.

Wackiest fucking scenario made with BrantSteele's Hunger Games Simulator no. 5, pt. 1 - the beginning &- what the fuck, an event already?!

Oops, I accidentally unpinned my pinned post... Oh well, them's the breaks, didn't find it neccesary to exist any longer than it should anyway. As I've once said: Viralsach isn't really that huge anymore when compared to last year.

The 5th Wackiest Hungry Games scenario is to commence rather soon.

I have a very silly idea that I may just realize if I'll care enough and/or won't prematurely cancel it like an idiot.

If I ever end up considering a Game Page for that one thing I'm currently cookin' up in Scratch, I'll only do so if I deem the project "complete", or if I make a "demo-esque"* build.