Paper Candy!

7 months ago

Ay first devlog for the game !!

Summary in the image above but you should PROBABLY read all of the stuff below. (it's kinda long oops)

Hello everyone!

First of all I'd like to thank everyone for the game already surpassing 40 followers! It's only been up for roughly a week and it's gained such a following so quickly, I really appreciated it and it helps motivate me to work on the game :)

First thing's first, we've settled down on the fact we're going to be using GDevelop 5 for the engine. Now bare with me here, but this will be my first time using GDevelop for game making, my previous experience on game making was limited to just Scratch so already not a good start lol. Thanks to @CircuitBoardProductions though I think I can get it done, his game was actually the main inspiration to using GDevelop go please go check his stuff out!

About the team, besides myself doing a lot of the work I actually have a few people helping me with this game! Though yes, I still do a lot of the bulk work but y'know that's how it happens when you're the creator of the game. Though I appreciate all the help I get from my friends, credits can be found on the game page. (Minus one person we will talk about later.)

Story Time!! If you check the game page at the time of posting this, it'll say to check for devlogs since the story is a work in progress. I'm happy to say we've come up with a basic story on paper, putting Rat and Cat as major villains. Check in with the game page soon because I will be updating that story area soon! It'll sound basic but I swear we've got some stuff cookin' up, perhaps you guys would like to see multiple endings? Maybe another time though...

Okay here's the part I'm most excited for. We have a composer! Unfortunately he's not on GameJolt right now (soon he will be,) but he's going to be a HUGE help. This does in fact mean there will be a full original soundtrack for this game, when we have lots of progress done on the game or it's fully released the soundtrack will most likely be posted to my youtube channel for everyone's viewing and listening. As soon as he gets a GameJolt I'll make a new post telling all of ye to follow him, and he'll be added to the credits, again he'll be a huge help. So clap for him... NOW!!

Another point I've been meaning to address is the fact we're... short on section ideas. So far we've thought of 6/8 places for Candy and Co. to go in order to progress the story. Here is where we want YOUR help! We need your ideas, there's at least two more spots open, we can always add more if you guys feel like that's too short, I personally think it's fine but this time it's all in your control! For context, the "levels" we have are...

Candy's House, (Unnamed City Area), Icy (probably in mountains) area, The Restaurant itself, a possible Sky Themed level, and of course, RAT & CAT's base.

Your help will be appreciated!!

And that should do it for this entry, to everyone who bothered reading ALL of that, I thank you. Again, THANK YOU for all the support in such a short amount of time, it means a lot to me! Sorry this is such a long post by the way. Hope you can help us with your ideas!

~ Gadget

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DEFEAT - Album Art Recreated & Uploaded to SoundCloud.

Link in the article...

Longest remix on the album... and the album closer lol

SOULLESS 5 (Coolswag Remix) SoundCloud Release :P

Woah look, it's @silverxcristal !! (What's she doing here?)

I didn't even notice I broke 200 followers oops lmao

I'm pretty sure it's because of this duder (Paper Candy) but thanks guys!!

The image says it all

Yes, this is canon.


Stereo Madness SoundCloud Release.


It's wishful thinking but god I pray for Rayman 4 every night

real ones will know what's up...

Check out Psycho;Logical!

New coolswag project :) Link in article