1 year ago

ayo im making a scp right now, its still in editing it and figuring out how to post it. idk how to screenshot it so ill make a article about it. I hope you enjoy it so far

SCP-6361 {in progress}

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: It is to be in a three (3) cell with gaming chairs, a gaming set up, and a bathroom. There should be at least 4 MTF guarding its cell. it is to talk to a therapist every week to make sure it is not stressed.

Description:SPC-6361 is a human male with semi reality bending powers, he is to be put in a three (3) cell with things he needs to survive. He is 117.8 cm (5'10) tall, we could not get his weight do to his powers. He is empathetic and funny at times. His appearance seems to be 14-16 years old, but he claims to be much older than that. He likes to wear anything that is a type of purple. He has a violet covering his eye for some unknown reason. He has ask for therapy witch we agreed.

SCP-6361 was noticed back in 1983 when a bus disappeared in front of a crowd of people, he was taken into the Foundation in 1985. Sense then anomalous things have happened, plants have grown through the ground and walls, the sky above his cell has a clear sight to the stars, and the other anomalies in the area sometimes have mood swings, and many more. Because of this the 05 council decided to send him to site-64 to make sure it does not cause other anomalies to breach. Testing with SCP-6361 is aloud with caution. SCP-6361 is behaved and succeeded with testing for most of the time.

After some of testing, SCP-6361 has been relocated back to his original containment site. after 3 weeks being back he has made some friends with staff and other anomalies. his containment procedures are the same, but people can go and visit SCP-6361.



Next up

Jimmy fights MRBEAST in a (FNF) rap battle

Creator - Real( no joke that's there youtube name)

Diamond SpongeBob

I was playing this roblox undertale battle sim, but use a move on a dummy until I hit the house. and before I knew it I was on top of the house.

Jimmy fights MRBEAST in a (FNF) rap battle

creator - TJStapleton15

Scp (rejected) has breached has breached containment and we must find him don't look at him if looked at it will kill you

Bruh who turned Pokemon into analoge horror

don't mind if I put analoge wrong

ayo me and the boys hanging out with 049

Dr bright has a sword Time to prepare for a containment breach

Ayo I made sun and moon from FNAF in Roblox