Five Nights at Sh*tBoys: Mas*****ted Mania (currently on hold)

2 years ago

ayyy, im back again, yay))
(read article lol)

finally installed fnafb games to my laptop and so, started to re-add some stuff to fnasb lol
huge seeable change is sprites - just took some sprites from fnafb 1 tilesets to my, and oh my oh my, rooms are now looking way better! (pic. 1 - old sprites, pic. 2 - new)
and btw, finally send my new build to my archive lolol, now making build 13. planning what to add new in-game with Yarik rn, so yeah lol.



Next up

Seems like my motivation at developing this game finally came back!

I had no Idea that I will do major to-do things for today. Shoutouts to Yarik for keeping updating the game w/out me and helping me to fix some bugs.

Cya later & stay tuned :)

Forgor to post it uhh yeah, PTR Anim test number 2

Yo gotta believe rn

Gm lol

Forgot about those pixelated dudes lmfao (Lammy - Sonic Advance style) (Paula Fox - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 style) (Parappa - Super Mario World style)

Oh, and also. My screenshots.


I lived mfs

heyo cooking smth