2 years ago




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Devlog 3:

I went on hiatus for this game since before I was working everyday for 5 hours and on the weekends I'm home, most of my day. BUT I'M BACK and here's all the stuff I've worked on (no spoilers)

-Couple New Rooms

-New items

-A bad way to fix a bug

You may have seen Jevil in a wheelchair. But have you seen [DOLLOR STORE] Spamton on a wheel barrel?

I technically own every version of BATIM

This Comes From Inside.

#upatnight joined this community just for this 😎

This post is to let everyone know progress has been going great, I'll be making a devlog about it very soon!

Care to join me?

(I know Susie is spelt wrong, but you know if you just look at it what it is)

Announcements!! Game engines, independence, and Virtual Reality

I guess you can say I'm working on this, kind of? It's complicated which is why I'll go more into it. :)